What to do with broken egg yolks in a diner: Reuse or discard?

Working in a diner, you’re bound to encounter a few broken egg yolks during your shift. It’s a common occurrence that can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to prepare a perfect sunny-side-up or poached egg. But what happens to these broken yolks? Are they discarded, or can they be repurposed in some way? After all, they’re still perfectly edible. In this article, we’ll explore the options available to cooks when dealing with broken egg yolks.

Understanding the Value of Broken Egg Yolks

Firstly, it’s important to understand that broken egg yolks are not ‘bad’ or ‘wasted’ eggs. They still hold nutritional value and can be used in a variety of dishes. The yolk is rich in vitamins and minerals, and it’s a source of healthy fats and proteins. Therefore, throwing them away would indeed be a waste.

Repurposing Broken Egg Yolks

There are several ways to repurpose broken egg yolks in a diner setting. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Scrambled eggs: Broken yolks can easily be mixed with whole eggs to create fluffy and delicious scrambled eggs.

  • Omelettes: Similarly, they can be used in omelettes, along with a variety of fillings.

  • Baking: If your diner also serves baked goods, broken yolks can be used in various recipes, such as cakes, cookies, or pastries.

  • Sauces: Egg yolks are a key ingredient in many sauces, like Hollandaise or custard. They can be used to thicken and enrich these preparations.

Food Safety Considerations

While it’s beneficial to repurpose broken egg yolks, food safety should always be a priority. Broken yolks should be used immediately or stored properly to prevent bacterial growth. If the yolk is broken due to a cracked shell, it’s best to discard it to avoid potential contamination.


In conclusion, broken egg yolks don’t have to be a source of waste in a diner. With a little creativity and adherence to food safety guidelines, they can be repurposed into a variety of delicious and nutritious dishes. So next time you’re faced with a broken yolk, remember that it’s an opportunity, not a problem.